Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Assignment 2
The number of link choices in Early Word is mouth watering and overwhelming  at the same time.  It’s the most complete site I’ve ever seen for easy access to a huge compilation of sources for reviews.  One click and I find myself in a never-ending labyrinth that leads to one cache after another and winding my way out is difficult.  I had not heard of BEA before and I had to look it up to find out that it stood for BookExpo America.  I looked at some of the librarians’ picks from BEA 12- definitely a good resource for those looking for book group books.  I also looked at People Magazine’s latest reviews-good to know that’s there when I can’t find the latest issue for my lunch break!  I will continue to use these and the Indie Next Best Seller List for leads on great titles.

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