Thursday, May 16, 2013

Week 4


I've been a member of Goodreads for a while and come to rely on it more and more to jog my memory. I do get frustrated with the often slow loading time of the site though.  Listopia is fun to play with- I entered "books narrated by animals" in the list search and got back "The Cat's Meow" (67 books), "Dog's Eye View (40 books) amd Animal Narrators in Adult Novels (21 books).  Clearly, cats have won again! Just kidding-I love dogs just as much!  I found the "Best Books Ever" list disconcerting.  The Hunger Games is #1 on the list-huh???!  I enjoyed that book, but c'mon- Best Book Ever?

I sent a book rec to Heather Mays:
"Hi- I think you would enjoy this book
based on your five star rating for The Thirteenth Tale. It shares the mysterious tone and elements of the macabre along with a rich setting and complex storyline."

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