Monday, May 20, 2013

Week 5

Assignment 1
I blame Early Word for the plethora of books that are currently sitting on my desk and on the hold shelf. It’s the kid in the candy store syndrome –only instead of a tummy ache from over indulging, I’m filled with longing for more time to devour and digest the riches. Many will wind up on my Goodreads “To Read” shelf- a shelf  that is buckling under the weight of stored desire-sigh.  Early Word did alert me to the novel that is presently sitting by my bedside.  It is “The Other Typist” by Suzanne Rindell.  I was intrigued by the reviewer likening it to “a pitch black comedy with a dollop of Alfred Hitchcock and a dollop of Patricia Highsmith” and also the 1920’s setting with the promise of shocking flapper behavior.  It sounded reminiscent of another book I’ve read and enjoyed- “Rules of Civility” by Amor Towles.  I’ve also started “Dollbones” by Holly Black.  It is a middle grade horror story and the title and cover alone were enough to lure me in. 



  1. You'll be glad you selected the Other Typist! I rec'd an Advance Reader Copy and completed it in 2 days. Wow! Unique story. Great Read.

    1. Thanks LiteraryCat! Let me know if you read anything else fab! Now I kinda wish I had a cool pseudonym like you!
